Notes: Prologue
xiii | 'He that commends me' | The Comedy of Errors, 1.2.33–40. Unless otherwise stated, all quotations from Shakespeare are taken from Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor (eds), The Complete Works, 2nd edition (Oxford, 2005).
xiv | one of our Greatest Britons | In 1999 and 2000. See Kate Watson-Smyth, ‘Shakespeare Voted Greatest Briton’, The Independent, 1 January 1999 [] and ‘Ten Greatest Britons Chosen’, BBC News, 20 October 2002 [].
xv | new UK passport | See Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith, ‘Shakespeare and the London Underground to Feature Alongside Updated Security Measures’, The Independent, 3 November 2015 [].
xv | enough gimmicky Shakespeare | Charles Spencer, review of Two Roses for Richard III, The Telegraph, 11 May 2012 []. For a fine conspectus of the 2012 festival from multiple angles, see Paul Edmondson, Paul Prescott and Erin Sullivan (eds), A Year of Shakespeare: Reliving the World Shakespeare Festival (London, 2013).
xv | the great actor-manager David Garrick | On Garrick’s Jubilee, the best accounts are by Christian Deelman, The Great Shakespeare Jubilee(London, 1964) and Vanessa Cunningham, Shakespeare and Garrick (Cambridge, 2008).
xvi | the records are unclear | See Park Honan, Shakespeare: A Life (Oxford, 1998), 3–10.
xvi | scenes of Maypolers | The footage is available online at YouTube. [].
xvi | Shakespeare quotation | The Tempest, 3.2.138–46.
xvii | glimpses of the playwright in Lancashire | See Honan, 60–71.
xvii | innumerable voyages of discovery | For Shakespeare’s sources, good places to start are Robert S. Miola, Shakespeare’s Reading (Oxford, 2000) and Colin Burrow, Shakespeare and Classical Antiquity (Oxford, 2013). Geoffrey Bullough’s Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare, 8 vols (London, 1957–75), excerpts many sources and analogues.
xviii | the plays Shakespeare wrote bestride the world | See John Gillies, Shakespeare and the Geography of Difference (Cambridge, 1994) for a suggestive account of how Shakespeare thought of geography in the widest possible sense.
xix | his own curiosity about worlds elsewhere | See especially essays collected in the superb anthology Andrew Hadfield and Paul Hammond (eds), Shakespeare and Renaissance Europe (London, 2005).
xix | ‘whole world’s map’ … a small clutch of Native Americans | Many of these details are drawn from Peter Hulme and William H. Sherman (eds), ‘The Tempest’ and its Travels (Philadelphia, 2000), especially Crystal Bartolovich’s ‘“Baseless Fabric”: London as a World City’, 13–26.
xx | Well, Shakespeare, he’s in the alley’ | Bob Dylan, ‘Stuck Inside Of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again’, 1966, online at: [].
xx | acted as a go-between | The best account of the Bellott–Mountjoy affair – and Shakespeare’s deposition regarding it – is in Charles Nicholl, The Lodger: Shakespeare in Silver Street (London, 2008), which is a small miracle of keyhole biography.
xx | a tale frequently repeated | The most detailed and imaginative retelling is by Gary Taylor in ‘Hamlet in Africa 1607’, in Ivo Kamps and Jyotsna Singh (eds), Travel Knowledge: European ‘Discoveries’ in the Early Modern Period (London, 2001). See also P.E.H. Hair, ‘Hamlet in an Afro-Portuguese Setting: New Perspectives on Sierra Leone in 1607’, History in Africa 5 (1978), 21–42.
xxi | Things went badly for the Dragon | The deepest account of the expedition is in Richmond Barbour, The Third Voyage Journals: Writing and Performance in the London East India Company, 1607–10 (New York, 2009).
xxi | Keeling quotation | Cited in Taylor, 220.
xxiv | studies I read | A (highly selective) list of interesting introductions to the ever-expanding field of global Shakespeare would include Peter Donaldson, ‘“All Which it Inherit”: Shakespeare, Globes and GlobalMedia’, Shakespeare Survey 52 (1999), 183–200; Ton Hoenselaars (ed.), Shakespeare and the Language of Translation (London, 2004); Graham Holderness and Bryan Loughrey, ‘Arabesque: Shakespeare and Globalisation’, in S. Smith (ed.), Globalization and its Discontents: Writing the Global Culture (Cambridge, 2006), 24–46; John J. Joughin (ed), Shakespeare and National Culture (Manchester, 1997); Tom Bishop and Alexander C. Y. Huang (eds), The Shakespeare International Yearbook 11: Special Issue, Placing Michael Neill – Issues of Place in Shakespeare and Early Modern Culture (Burlington, VT, 2011); and Alexander C.Y. Huang, ‘Global Shakespeares as Methodology’, Shakespeare 9 (2013), 273–90.
xxvi | Sections of the Keeling journal | The main sources are Samuel Purchas, Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas his Pilgrimes, 5 vols (London, 1625), and Thomas Rundall, Narratives of Voyages towards the North-West, in Search of a Passage to Cathay and India, 1496–1631 (London, 1849). The clearest account of a complex saga – whose conclusions I almost entirely agree with – is by Bernice W. Kliman, ‘At Sea about Hamlet at Sea: A Detective Story’, Shakespeare Quarterly 62 (2011), 180–204.